
All foreign nationals (except Indians, Bangladeshis and Maldivians) require a Bhutanese visa to travel to Bhutan. All Bhutanese visas are issued only by Department of Immigration, Ministry of Home and Cultural Affairs, Royal Government of Bhutan. Furthermore, Bhutan visa is issued only from head office of the Department of Immigration which is based in Thimphu- the capital city of Bhutan.

Visas are only issued to the tourists who have booked their trip to Bhutan with local licensed tour operators like us “Bhutan ZANGTHO PELRI Tours & Treks”. Tourist visa applications should to be submitted by us and visas have to be obtained in advance for traveling to Bhutan.

How to apply for Bhutanese visas in advance and how to obtain it?

Bhutan visa clearance letter is approved by the Tourism Council of Bhutan after concerned tourists have paid the full tour cost and visa fees to the Tourism Council of Bhutan through us. A copy of visa clearance letter will be sent to the concerned tourists before their travel dates as it is important that tourists should have their visa clearance letter with them while boarding DrukAir flights to Bhutan. Bhutan ZANGTHO PELRI Tours & Treks will ensure that a copy of visa clearance letter reaches the DrukAir office at the airports where the tourists board their flights to Bhutan.

The actual visa is stamped in your passport at the point of entry either at Paro Airport (if travel to Bhutan by air) or at Phuentsholing / Samdrupjongkhar/Gelephu (if traveling to Bhutan by road) based on your visa.