Special Tours

Bhutan has many activities available for those visitors seeking a place of solace, rest and recuperation.  Whether it’s a session of peaceful, contemplative meditation, a relaxing soak in a mineral hot spring bath or the all-natural remedies of our traditional medicine Bhutan has just what you need to revive and rejuvenate your body and spirit. Our many meditation and mediation retreats will provide you with places of respite from the cares and stress of everyday life. Many tourists from Thailand and other Buddhist countries come to Bhutan specifically for meditation and retreat tours. Also, most hotels provide yoga sessions, retreats and meditation facilities within the hotel premises. The traditional medicine of Bhutan is known as Sowa Rigpa and dates back to the 17th century when it first spilt from it Tibetan origins. Bhutan’s natural environment, with its exceptionally rich flora has enabled the development of an unparalleled pharmacopoeia. Indigenous medicine units have been established in all 20 Dzongkhags (districts) and can provide tourists with traditional remedies for any ailments they may have. Hot springs or Tshachus as they are locally known can be found all over the Kingdom and their medicinal properties are known to cure various ailments ranging from arthritis to body aches and even sinuses.

Hot Spring

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Bhutan has many natural hot springs spread across the country. People believe that soaking in these waters is beneficial to their health. People visit these hot springs to cure various ailments ranging from ulcers to joint pains and sinus trouble which are then heard to be cured for real.



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We welcome all the newlyweds and for all those who haven’t gone for their honeymoon yet, to Bhutan for their honeymoon to relax, have fun and enhance romance in this peaceful country.



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Bhutan is a Buddhist Kingdom and probably the last Shangri-La. Evidence of this deep rootedness is visible in the monasteries, temples, stupas and prayer flags that dot the country’s rugged mountain terrain;Hundreds of it. Buddhism has shaped Bhutan’s values and beliefs and is in fact so embedded in local culture that religion and culture are not two distinct but part of a single identity. For Buddhists around the world, a visit to Bhutan is like taking a pilgrimage because our country has been blessed by the visits of many great masters and saints who have left behind an invaluable spiritual legacy that permeates the landscape and traditions of Bhutan



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Bhutan is a Mahayana Buddhist Kingdom. Buddhism was brought to the country from northern India in the 8th century by Guru Padma Sambhava. Bhutan is the perfect destination for enthusiastic horticulturalists as it contains more than 60% of the common plant species found in the eastern Himalayas. It also boasts of approximately 46 species of Rhododendrons and over 300 types of medicinal plants.



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A home-stay will give you an excellent glimpse into the day-to-day life of a typical Bhutanese’s family. You will enjoy delicious home-cooked meals and hospitality of a Bhutanese host. All home stay is located in the Bhutanese countryside, far from the noise and crowds of population centers.


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