
Festivals (or is also known as Tshechu literally means ‘tenth day’) are Bhutanese festivals held every year in various temples monasteries and dzongs across the country. The Tshechu is mainly a religious event celebrated on tenth day of a month of lunar calendar corresponding to the birth day of Guru Rinpoche (Guru Padmasambhava). However, the month of Tshechu depends place to place and temple to temple.

Tshechus are grand events where the entire community comes together to witness religious mask dances, receive blessing and socialize. In addition to the mask dances and other forms of entertainment.
Among many Tshechus in the country, most popular are Thimphu and Paro Tshechu in terms of participation and audience. Besides,the locals many tourists from across the world are attracted to these unique, colorful and exciting displays of traditional culture.

Thimphu Festival

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One of the biggest festivals in the country is the Thimphu Tshechu. This festival is held in the capital city for three days beginning on 10th day of the 8th month of lunar calendar. This Tshechu is witnessed by thousands people many of which travel from neighboring Dzongkhags (districts) to attend the festivities. The actual Tshechu is preceded by days and nights of prayer and rituals to invoke the gods.


Paro Festival

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Paro Tshechu is one of the most popular festivals in Bhutan. Featuring dances performed by trained monks and laymen in amazing masks and costumes, festivals are one of the best ways to experience the ancient living culture of Bhutan. A highlight of the Paro Tshechu is the unfurling of the silk Thangka – so large it covers the face of an entire building and is considered one of the most sacred blessings in the whole of Bhutan.


Jambay Lhakhang Drup

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Jambay Lhakhang Drup is One of the most spectacular festivals in the country. The highlight of the festival is the fire ritual that is held in the evening where crowds gather to witness the ritualistic naked dance. This festival is held at Bumthang, central of Bhutan.


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