Why Bhutan Should Be Your Next Destination

In January, I got to check off one of my top bucket list items: visiting the remote Buddhist kingdom of Bhutan. I’m typically attracted to a destination by three things, the promise of delicious food, the knowledge I’ll be able to stretch my dollar far and the possibility of adrenaline-pumping adventure; however, that wasn’t why I wanted to go to Bhutan. Instead, I longed to explore a less-considered destination that still retained much of its traditional heritage and natural landscapes that, by the way, are incredibly epic.

The destination did not disappoint. For a better idea of why you, too, should consider Bhutan as your next travel destination here are a few highlights:

1. You’ll Learn That Wealth Doesn’t Measure The Strength Of A Culture1

Instead of measuring Bhutan’s economic prosperity on wealth, the government measures it on a Gross National Happiness Index focusing on good governance, sustainable socio-economic development, cultural preservation, and environmental conservation. In fact, right in Bhutan’s constitution it mandates the country be at least 60% covered in forest. Moreover, no matter where you go you’ll be able to see traditional arts and crafts, like weaving at the Gagyel Lhundrup Weaving Centre and paper-making at the Jungshi Paper Factory, both in Thimphu. To show you just what a visionary government Bhutan has, in 2003 King Jigme Singye Wangchuk actually led his troops into battle — as opposed to sitting by and watching the war from his throne — against rebels from the Indian state of Assam.

2. To Experience The Beauty Of Buddhism1

No matter what religion or belief system you follow, it’s hard not to appreciate the values of Buddhism.1 During my 10-day trip, my Bhutan Tourister guide, Kinley, told me much about Buddhism that really rocked my world. For one, the idea that we are all born with three poisons — hatred, greed and ignorance — and that we should work to rid ourselves of these to reach enlightenment and potentially reach Nirvana. Or that instead of clinging to expectations and material things we should accept that disappointment and suffering are part of life, and try to practice non-attachment to those things. Or that nothing is permanent, and thus we should enjoy our positive memories and know that our suffering shall pass. Or that our suffering and joy are all controlled by our minds — meaning we have control over these emotions.

To go along with this, the temples and spiritual centers are magnificent, typically featuring Dzong-style architecture with massive fortress-like designs, giant iron and wood entryways, flared roofs and interior courtyards with lots of intricate detailing.

Photos of Phobjikha Valley’s Black-necked cranes taken with my iPhone 6 through a telescope at the visitor center

3. For Amazing Wildlife

Phobjikha Valley or, as I like to call it, the Valley of the Black-necked Crane, is an amazing place to visit for those interested in bird-watching and nature. Not only is this place unique for its endless flat fields of bamboo shrubs and inspiring mountains, but because it is home to the Black-necked Crane, one of the rarest species of crane in the world.

It’s not hard to spot them, their bright white bodies contrasting with their black heads and tails, sticking out against the light green and yellow grasses. The birds strut and glide gracefully, and are truly mesmerizing to watch. Interestingly they’re known as “birds of heaven” and are said to be attracted to holy places. In fact, at the local Black-necked Crane Visitor Center I learn the birds fly clockwise three times around the local Gangteng Monastery — a Buddhist practice that helps rid the body of negative energy — both when they arrive in the fall and before they migrate to Tibet in the early-to-late spring.

4. They Love Chilis

Every time I asked Kinley if a particular dish was local, he’d reply, “Only if it has chilies in it.” Bhutanese like it hot, which in turn makes me love Bhutan. Hey, you’re talking to someone who is obsessed with New Mexico solely based on their green chile culture, and who once ate so much hot sauce at a restaurant in the Bahamas that they mailed me a free case!

5. You’ll Be McDonald’s Free

Sticking with the food theme, I can honestly say I can’t remember the last time I went somewhere, no matter how un-western, that didn’t have a McDonald’s or a Pizza Hut. Until Bhutan. While I did spy something called “Momo Bell” that featured something suspiciously similar to the Taco Bell logo in Thimphu, that was the closest I came to the big Western brand fast food culture in Bhutan.

I can’t remember the last time I went somewhere, no matter how un-western, that didn’t have a…CLICK TO TWEET

6. To Slow Down

Driving down winding dirt roads that hug mountainsides, colorful prayer flags billowing in the wind, 73% lush forest and giant gilded gold Buddhas looking over the valleys, it’s impossible not to feel at peace. Even the traditional dress — handmade knee-length robes tied at the waist for men (a Gho) and the ankle-length dresses with light outer jackets (Kira and Tego), so beautiful yet so comfortable — make me feel relaxed (and wanting to get out of my tight-from-too-much-cheesey-chilis jeans and into one).

Bhutan only got TV and the internet in 1999, and only received their currency over bartering in 1974, so their addiction to being constantly connected and stressing over work emails and Tweets isn’t as palpable as in other places of the world (ie my home of NYC). In fact, in certain countryside stops I was completely without Wi-Fi, (happily) forcing me to grab my journal, a good book and some walking shoes and just enjoy the present.

In certain villages I was completely without Wi-Fi, (happily) forcing me to grab my journal, a…CLICK TO TWEET

7. To Travel Responsibly

While Bhutan’s $200-$250/night all-inclusive tourist fee + $40 visa + $30/$40 tariff for duo and solo travelers + $860 round trip Druk Airlines flights via Bangkok + round-trip flights to-and-from Bangkok and your home may seem steep, you will be getting your money’s worth in a number of ways, one of which is the chance to truly travel responsibly.

Because of the destination’s remote location and the expenses to get there it hasn’t been flooded with tourists, leading to a well-preserved culture and landscape. And because you’re mandated to have a guide it’s ensured you won’t take part in any irresponsible or illegal activities, like mountaineering and skiing, which are believed to disturb the spirits that reside on the hillsides. It’s also worth noting that 35% of what you pay goes toward governmental programs like free educational and healthcare, infrastructure and nature conservation, helping you give back to the community you’re visiting.

Because of #Bhutan’s remote location and the expenses to get there it hasn’t been flooded with…CLICK TO TWEET

8. To Experience The Preservation Of Cultural Heritage

As stated above, one of the four pillars of the Gross National Happiness Index is the preservation of heritage, which you’ll experience over and over again on your trip. Even in Thimphu, the capital and largest city in Bhutan, I visited places like the Folk Heritage Museum to explore a traditional 19th-century house, the Gagyel Lhundrup Weaving Centre to see local women weaving garments using a backstrap loom, and the Jungshi Handmade Paper Factoryto see the traditional art of paper making.

9. To Get An Alternative Look At Religion

In Lobesa, a village in the District of Punakha, I visit a very spiritual albeit quirky place, at least to me as a westerner and non-Buddhist. Here you’ll find Chimi Lhakhang, also known as the Temple of the Divine Madman. Despite the fact the Divine Madman, a Buddhist Master, cursed in his preachings, had sex with and impregnated myriad women (including a nun), drank and ate copiously, danced jubilee through the hillsides, he did everything with his heart, with a goal to spread positive energy and liberate people from strict societal conventions and mundane religious cultures.

He was especially known for his phallus, which had the ability to enlarge and fight demons. In fact, you’ll see homes all over the country with big cartoonish penises painted on the facades, as well as wooden phalluses on the roofs and above the doors to keep demons at bay. Inside the temple itself, it’s possible to be blessed with a phallus made from an elephant tusk that once belonged to the Divine Madman himself in the 15th century.

You’ll see homes all over #Bhutan with penises painted on the facades & wooden ones on the…CLICK TO TWEET

10. To Experience Something You Can’t Anywhere Else

The reason you pay so much money to visit Bhutan isn’t for the world’s most delicious food or the best hotels of your life. It’s to explore a place unlike any other, from their visionary Gross National Happiness Index to the locals still sporting their traditional dress to the many things that make the destination quite quirky, at least in the eyes of westerners. It’s a place where people love their king, where leaders go into battle with their troops when necessary and where the traditions of the good old days are still present, from the capital of Thimphu to, even more so, the outer villages. I’ve been to 40+ countries, and to me this was unlike any place I’ve been to before.

Source: jessieonajourney.com/bhutan-why-go/